Monday, December 14, 2009

Julie & Julia

So, I watched Julie & Julia last night. I had read the book years ago and enjoyed it but am not much of a movie watcher.  I am glad I did.  It was one of those very rare movies that actually kept me sitting on the couch for its entirety. I mean, I did feel a fleeting urge to get up and start cleaning, but I persevered and stayed seated and the urge past.

If you love food, which I do, the movie made you want to cook. It actually made you want to cook French food with all its buttery goodness. It also made me want to blog more, which I don’t do often enough, probably because my computer is junk and I am too lazy to download my photos.

I hate my job. It’s a scary thing to write that out in the world where anyone, including my bosses, could read it. But I do hate it. No one reason stands out, just a lot of little reasons that basically add up to it just not being the best place for me to work. “Not the right fit” is the phrase that comes to mind. I mention this now because the movie made me realize that I am not alone in feeling like I am lost in the day to day routine existence. And like Julie, I think I could benefit from undertaking some sort of project or goal.

But what would I do? How would I find a way to do something similar but unique…

I guess I need to think about that for a bit.

Any ideas?

Well, regardless- if you haven’t already you should watch the movie.

1 comment:

  1. C- I think you should open "Hey Fatty"!!! I will be your taste tester, star FOH employee and your best customer :)
    ps- Julie & Julia made me want to cook too...loved it!
